Tell me a bit about yourself….
My pen name is B.A. Childs, I'm Aussie, married for 40yrs, 2 adult children. I started writing 10yrs ago but chickened out until a fantastic author TL Swan began a FB page for people who wanted to write, and publish their books but had no idea where to start or how to go about it.
What genre/s do you write in?
Currently MC Romance, but I have just completed a sports-based short story, Kasey's Volley for a charity anthology Caught By You. This will become a standalone novel when it's returned to me.
I'll be trialing several genres to see if one, in particular, stands out.
How long have you been writing?
I began 10yrs ago, but had no idea how to go about self-publishing and didn't think anyone would want to read my books.
Do you have any published books or articles? Tell me a bit about these and what publishing route you took.
I published Jezebel Found, Broken Halos MC book 1 in Jan 2021. I was trying to find an MC book where women were not the damsels in distress, and couldn't. I complained about it and someone suggested I write one of my own. So I did. Jezebel Undone, Broken Halos MC book 2 was published in August 2021.
Jezebel is a woman of color, and president of the Broken Halos MC.
Kasey's Volley, (short version) in the Caught By You anthology outs available for pre-order now.
I am an indie author. Self-published. I have 2 ebooks published currently, plus the short story for the anthology in ebook and print. It's a hard industry as books are stolen and illegally downloaded a lot. The MC series will be in print once it's finished.
Did you use an editor? If so who?
Yes, I use Karen Harper of Black Orchid Editing. She and I have great debates over semi-colons. Lol
Did you use a book formatter and cover designer?
A lovely lady and fellow author named Charlene Namdhari formatted my first book. DL Gallie is my second. My cover designer for my MC series is Covers by Jo (you can find them all on FB)
Did you self-publish or get traditionally published? How did this go for you?
I'm currently self-published. I don't know if I'll try for traditional as I write for the enjoyment and hate deadlines. If it weren't for the assistance of several other new and published authors, I probably would have chickened out as self-publishing is a minefield for those who didn't grow up in the technical era.
How do you market your work and promote your brand?(Include links)
Author page
Group page
tik tok
I also use FB ads, My Story
I advertise on other pages and I join other author release parties. I haven't yet had the courage to hold my own.
What social media and writing platforms would you recommend?
Tik Tok seems to be the social trend for now, although it has algorithms I cannot seem to outwit. I’m not comfortable putting my face out there. I advertise my books on it.
I use FB and Instagram as well.
Do you use an agent?
No. I have thought of trying a PA, but I haven't yet.
Do you use paid advertising? If so what?
I have used FB ads, yes. I have issues with Amazon ads. I did try Instagram ads once.
Do you have a blog or website?
Website, yes. Blog, no.
What inspires you most to write?
It's always been in me, and I wish I'd had the courage and encouragement earlier in my life to do this. Unfortunately, resources for those in some countries were limited at that time. Education and self-esteem have a lot to do with it as well.
What do you do to help with writers block?
I put the laptop away and go do something that has nothing to do with writing. That's the great part about self-publishing.
How do you plan your writing and start?
I don't plan at all. Something will jump into my head and won't leave until I jot it down somewhere. My poor phone is full of notes I have to decipher.
Is writing your full-time job? If not what else do you do?
I am a merchandiser
What are you working on at the moment?
WIPs are currently books 3 & 4 of the Broken Halos MC, and a standalone about a sex club. I actually have 4 books begun, but the Broken Halos MC is what is taking my attention currently.
What is your target audience?
Between 18-80, mainly women, there are men out there who enjoy reading romance as well.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Some I can write in weeks. Some take months. Depends on how intricate the story is.
When did you first discover you enjoyed writing?
10 years ago
What does your family think about you writing?
My husband looks at it as a hobby.
My children tell everyone.
What do you do when you are not writing?
I read. I shop. I travel. I go have coffee with friends now that I can.
Where do you get information and ideas for your writing?
It could be a song, or someone chatting about something random. Sometimes it's a news item. Sometimes it just pops into my head.
What do you think makes a good story?
That's a hard one, because I may read a book and not like it, but someone else may think it's fantastic and vice versa. A good story hooks you in and holds your attention.