Guest writer for mynzdreamblog
By Sheryl Mays
I love quiet time. That’s a moment in our environmental orbit when we experience a stillness. Maybe it’s after everyone in the house is asleep, or in your car, or in your favorite place. For me, it’s in my backyard. I enjoy sitting on my swing listening to the light breeze that moves the leaves on the trees. I feel a light airbrushing pass my face, a calmness surrounds me and it’s as if God is whispering. There are a few squirrels that come and play chase and a red cardinal that passes through as if it’s delivering a message.
As I sit there in nature’s bubble, I realize this is my moment where I prepare for what’s coming or put to rest what has passed. It’s a time of inner peace. When I initially had this experience of stillness, nature’s message, it didn’t resonate with me. I thought they were distractions invading the peaceful time I wanted to create. It wasn’t until I started to pay close attention to what was happening around me, in my personal space. I realized this experience was created for me, and not by me.
Have you ever felt a peacefulness that allows your shoulders to relax, your heart to beat at a regular pace, and your mind to be silent? This is like nothing I have ever felt or recognized. And then something changed. It was like I was renewed, refreshed, recharged. I had powered down! And it was powerful!
I find oftentimes we are “time-binding”. Always thinking of the next thing on our list. Not being in the present. Not listening. Not feeling. We find that we can’t experience these moments because we are too busy, too important in life, too vital in purpose, to get quiet. To realize we are here for our ‘designated seasons of life and we don’t know how many seasons we have. So, take the opportunity gifted and experience a mindful journey of the soul.
Find your special place or grab a few moments and get quiet. Listen to your heart, listen to your breathing, close your eyes… and drift. Drift into what can be; drift into what has passed and know that you are preparing for what’s coming. Examine your peaceful state and whether it’s sitting in your yard, like me, walking a trail, or in a lowly lit room, get to know this feeling, get to appreciate this feeling, and decide to come to this place more often. Allow this mindful journey to help you get revived, get renewed, and get recharged.
Find your inner peace. When you find inner peace, you can be in the loudest place and experience calmness. You can be in a horrible situation and get quiet. You can be disappointed, and frustrated and learn that you can bring the silence from within to your rescue. Recognize the powers that you have access to, the powers that go beyond all understanding, the powers that allow peace in distress and understanding in moments of disbelief.
This mindful journey for the soul is a gift. It allows us to not give in to the two thieves in life: fear of the future and regret of the past. For fear and regret were absorbed within the silence. It was absorbed within the calm. Now you have clarity, you have more than you realized, and you are bold and confident. No more self-imposed limitations. No more doubt. Every battle we face first begins in our minds. So, clear the deck, remove the stuff, purge for release, and reload the positive. Get ready for the amazing, the incredible, and live with an expectation of ‘all is possible. Watch things change. Watch you change. Mindfulness leads to plentifulness. Enjoy the abundance.
Until the next time my friends,
Know that your peace comes from within. Get quiet and feel the calm.
Sheryl “Mindful” Mays