What compelled me to write?
Some of you may have read my books or know a little about what I have been through in life. I am sure you all have seen my posts on facbook about “The New Zealand Dream” series.
Maybe people wonder why?
Why did she write her life story for everyone to read and judge?
Others may think, “I want to write my story too, but I don’t know how.”
I’d like to share with you my why, why I write, why I shared my story, and how it has set me free and changed my life.
I can help you do the same.
Along my path in life, I have met many people from all corners of the globe and different walks of life. I have also met people who are hurting, people who are trapped in a place they do not want to be in, broken, and desperate people.
As I started to talk to people about my life, my challenges, and healing they told me that by sharing my story with them they realized they were not alone or the only one. This started their own healing journey and has even saved lives.
How would this make you feel to do the same?
I am not well known or famous; I am an ordinary person. My story is unique, raw, and based on real events. I speak from my heart and do not candy coat. My writing and life may shock the faint-hearted as I am very candid in tone. I survived the odds and came through to now thrive, living my best life.
Writing my stories was like diving into the dark abyss, turning on-the-spot light, grabbing my demons around the throat, and diminishing any power or hold they had over me once and for all.
What would that be worth to you?
To be free, healed from your hurts and strongholds, no longer living in fear.
Everyone has a story to tell, writing your story can be very healing and rewarding. Even if you only ever write for yourself and do not publish.
Writing and sharing my story has given others hope and inspiration, I have been able to turn what was meant to kill me into what has made me stronger.
I have over 23 years of experience writing and a creative writing diploma.
Can I become your writing coach and help you write your story?